Nancy Campbell, a mother to six married children and a grandmother to twenty-one, is the founder of Above Rubies, a "Titus 2" ministry dedicated to communicating a message of virtuous womanhood. For more than twenty-six years, her Above Rubies magazine has reached thousands of women in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, sharing Nancy's burden "to encourage, strengthen, uplift and under gird mothers in their high calling." A speaker at family camps and women's retreats, she has also prepared teaching materials, manuals, and books.
Nancy and her husband, Colin Campbell, a pastor of many years experience, are both New Zealanders, residing there until they moved to Australia in 1982. Colin served as a pastor in New Zealand and then proceeded to pioneer a church on the Gold Coast of Australia. They lived there for almost ten years, before coming to the United States in 1991 with the purpose of ministering to families.
"Colin and I," writes Ms. Campbell, "are both blessed to come from a godly Christian heritage. We are grateful for this legacy. I believe God's plan is for building godly generations so that His truth is passed on from one generation to the next. They say that the most difficult time of a relay race is to pass the baton to the next runner. We must be careful that we don't drop the baton as we seek to impart God's truth to the next generation."
Five of the Campbell's children live in areas surrounding Nashville, Tennessee, while one still remains in Australia. Nancy feels "so blessed to have nearly all our children and grandchildren around us."
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