Musical Instrument Instruction

We're not planning on getting into musical instruction in a major way any time soon, but you'll find books here that don't fall under piano, guitar, or recorder instruction.

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3 Items found Print
Enjoy Your Recorder
by Trapp Family
from Magnamusic Distributors
for 3rd-Adult
in Vintage Nonfiction (Location: VIN-NFIC)
$8.00 (2 in stock)
Singing for Young Beginners with CD
by Peter Gelling
from Koala Music Publications
for Kindergarten-4th grade
in Musical Instrument Instruction (Location: ELE-MUS)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Suzuki Violin School: Violin Part Volume 1 with CD
by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki
Pap/Com Re from Alfred Publishing
for 1st-7th grade
in Clearance: Art & Music (Location: ZCLE-ART)