Music for Living Book 3: Now and Long Ago

Music for Living Book 3: Now and Long Ago

by Feodor Rojankovsky (Illustrator)
©1956, Item: 83572
Hardcover, 172 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy


  • Sing As You Go: Hand in hand... At play Heel and toe.... Telling tall tales.
  • Fences and Curbstones:  Out in the country.. Along the busy street.
  • Off to Somewhere:  On foot... In cars.... By train... By plane. By boat.
  • Moccasined Feet
  • Flintlocks and Spinning Wheels:  By the fireside.... On the homestead.... Where red fox hides.... Fiddlin' Tunes... Trading Post.
  • Happy Days:  Songs of the seasons. Holidays.... Special occasions
  • Indices:  Classified Index.... Song Titles
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