Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater is a classic work of imagination that always delights young readers. Our Study Guide and Teacher Guide increase both the understanding of the text and develop Reading Comprehension skills.
About the text (sold separately):
“The lovable Mr. Popper dreams of being an intrepid Antarctic explorer, living a life among the penguins alongside his hero, Admiral Drake. So he is shocked one day when the Admiral responds to his fan letter by sending him a package containing a real live penguin! Soon, this penguin is joined by another. and before long Mr. Popper has an ice rink in the basement and a dozen delightful penguins living in his house. With hardly enough money to feed his family, and an ever-increasing bill for raw fish and canned shrimp, what can the wonderfully imaginative Mr. Popper do but train his penguins and take the show on the road!
This unforgettable tale has become a beloved classic, inviting readers to imagine. dream. and believe that anything is possible.
Caldecott and Newbery Medal winner Robert Lawson offers delightfully humorous illustrations that are as integral to the charm of this classic as the story itself.”(from the publisher)
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