Mother Kirk

Mother Kirk

Essays and Forays in Practical Ecclesiology

by Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 283 pages
List Price: $21.00 Sale Price: $17.85

"Modern Evangelicals have gained money, power, and influence, and it has been like giving whiskey to a two-year-old. The need of the hour is theological, not political. The arena is the pulpit and the table, not the legislative chamber. Before we are equipped to proclaim His lordship to the inhabitants of all the earth, we must live as though we believed it in the Church."

This is a practical and pastoral guide to many of the countless issues that arise in conservative Christian churches. The essays span subjects ranging from the nature of legalism and church authority to worship music, debt, youth ministry, and pastoral character. It breathes the kind of wisdom that emerges only from long pastoral experience experienced through diligent study of Scripture.

Mother Kirk can be read with profit by all Christians, but at its heart this book is an instruction manual for pastors and elders, and it breathes the kind of wisdom that emerges only from long pastoral experience experienced through diligent study of Scripture. Mother Kirk is written by a pastor who knows that pastoral work demands courage, determination, gentleness, vision, patience, self-restraint, insight, shrewdness, and, above all, faith working through love. It is written by a pastor who sees that pastoral ministry is man's work. Today, many avoid pastoral vocation because they think it beneath them. Mother Kirk will deter for exactly the opposite reason.

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