Modern Church

5 Items found Print
Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life
Theologians on the Christian Life
by Stephen J. Nichols
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Practical Christian Living (Location: XCL-PRAC)
Lords of the Earth
by Don Richardson
Reprint. from Regal Books
for 9th-Adult
in Church History (Location: XCH-HIS)
$3.60 (2 in stock)
Next Christendom
by Philip Jenkins
Revised and Updated from Oxford University
for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
Peace Child
by Don Richardson
from Regal Books
Biography for 10th-Adult
in History of Missions (Location: XCH-MIS)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
There's a Sheep in My Bathtub
by Brian Hogan
1st edition from Asteroidea Books
for 10th-Adult
in Church History (Location: XCH-HIS)