Misty of Chincoteague

Misty of Chincoteague

by Marguerite Henry, Wesley Dennis (illustrator)
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Mass market paperback, 176 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Nobody could capture the Phantom. She was the wildest mare on Assateague Island. They said she was like the wind, that the white "map" on her shoulders was her mark of freedom.

Paul and Maureen Beebe had their hearts set on owning her. They were itching to buy and tame her, and worked hard to earn the money she would cost. But the roundup men had tried to capture her and for two years she had escaped them . . .

Pony Penning Day holds a surprise for everyone, for Paul not only brings in the Phantom, but her newborn colt as well. Can Paul and Maureen possibly earn enough to buy them both?

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Summary: Paul and Maureen catch the untameable horse Phantom and discover she has a newborn colt as well.

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  Misty of Chincoteague
Josiah E, 8/31/2016
Misty of Chincoteague is an enchanting book about a boy, a girl, and a horse. This is a good book - I especially like how the kids work for themselves and never give up. I also like how other people are willing to help them through the things they can't do on their own. I really like the books the author wrote, such as Brighty of the Grand Canyon.
  Adventure Mustangs
Elizabeth Records, 7/1/2016
Misty is the foal of a wild mustang named Phantom. She is tamed by a boy and a girl on the island of Chincoteague. I like this book because it's about mustang horses, and it's a nice adventure too. I want to read this whole series!
  Misty of Chincoteague
Book Lover Age 8 of Australia, 6/22/2016
Misty of Chincoteague is about wild ponies that live on Assateague Island off the eastern coast of the USA. Every year people called Saltwater Cowboys round up some of the ponies and they swim the channel between Assateague and Chincoteague Islands, parade the ponies down main street and sell some of them at auction and the rest swim back across the channel. For two years the Saltwater Cowboys had tried to round up a pony they called The Phantom. One year a boy called Paul was old enough to go with the Saltwater Cowboys and he was sent off after a straggler which turned out to be The Phantom who had a new filly with her. They were heading toward the meeting point anyway though. He named the little filly Misty because at first he thought it was mist that was following The Phantom. I really liked the part when The Phantom wins the race against Black Comet who had won for two or three years in a row!