Missionary Patriarch

Missionary Patriarch

The True Story of John G. Paton, Evangelist for Jesus Christ Among the South Sea Cannibals

by John G. Paton
Publisher: Vision Forum
Library Binding, 524 pages
Current Retail Price: $24.00
Used Price: $16.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: South Seas, 1824-1907 A.D.

This is the true story of how a father's faith and multigenerational vision would be used by God to transform a son into a persevering patriarch though whom tens of thousands would come to Christ. It is a tale of filial devotion, of trust in the sovereignty of God, of the beauty of the Bible's covenant promises, of vision for the family, of love for the lost, and of unflappable, indefatigable courage in the face of adversary.

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