Minn of the Mississippi

Minn of the Mississippi

by Holling Clancy Holling
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Trade Paperback, 87 pages
List Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $11.04

A turtle hatched at the source of the Mississippi is carried through the heart of America to the Gulf of Mexico. This descriptive book, used in the Beautiful Feet Geography package, contains a lot of information for a children's book! Please note that there is a very minor amount of evolutionary content.

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Flaws Mild evolutionary bias
Summary: A turtle goes from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico in this fascinating combination of natural and cultural history.

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  Great Read Aloud Book
IRead. DoYou? of Washington, 10/24/2011
An excellent read-aloud book about a snapping turtle, Minn's adventures down the Mississippi River would add more turtle information and U.S. geography to your studies.