Note: the masters in this book are designed for outdated duplicating technology and while still readable, the ink has bled.
In this series we have attempted to present a general view of the growth of the United States as a democratic republic. We have tried to present the major events of historical importance, as well as the figures who were involved in them. Through the use of visual material, the printed page, and student activities, it is hoped that the students will enjoy the presentation of history as a meaningful and ever continuing experience.
1. The End of an Era-1
1A. The End of an Era
2. The End of an Era I
3. Like Father, Like Son
4. The People's President
5. A Review Worksheet
6. Jackson, the Man
*6A. Jackson, the Man
7. Jackson, the President
7A. Jackson, the President
8. Action and Reaction
9. For Test and Review
10. Democracy Grows
*10A. Democracy Grows
11. Little Van-I
*11A. Little Van
12. Little Van-II
13. Little Van Activity Sheet
14. Test and Review
15. The Need for Change
*15A. The Need for Change
16. Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land
*16A. Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land
17. The Right to Learn
*17A. The Right to Learn
18. All the News
19. Test and Review
20. The American Writers - Prose
*20A. The American Writers - Prose
21. The American Writers Poetry
*21A. The American Writers-Poetry
22. New Names, Old Parties
*22A. New Names, Old Parties
23. William Henry Harrison
24. John Tyler
25. For Test and Review
26. A Final Test and Review-I
27. A Final Test and Review - II
28. History Words to Know
*28A. History Words to Know
* Indicates full-color transparencies.
NOTE: This book may be purchased in two forms: transparency-duplicating book or with duplicating masters only. The teacher's guide has been written for the transparency-duplicating book, but will apply to both versions.
This book is a new approach to the presentation of American history as a vital ongoing experience. By means of twelve colorful transparencies and twenty- eight duplicating masters, the panoramic aspects of our nation's history have been presented, using text, maps, and visuals. The material has been designed to stimulate discussion and create a desire for more de- tailed study. Activities and test pages have been included to help the student check his grasp of the concepts and to aid the teacher in measuring the progress of the class.