Milliken: The Age of Exploration

Milliken: The Age of Exploration

A Milliken Full-Color Transparency Book

by Susan Lampros, Larry Weaver (Illustrator)
Publisher: Milliken Publishing
©1971, Item: 94955
Used Price: $4.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The books in this section are usually hardcover and in decent condition, though we'll sometimes offer hard-to-find books in lesser condition at a reduced price. Though we often put images of the book with their original dust jackets, the copies here won't always (or even often) have them. If that is important to you, please call ahead or say so in the order comments! 

Note: the masters in this book are designed for outdated duplicating technology and while still readable, the ink has bled.

From the book:

Teacher's Guide

The Age of Exploration


* 1. Changing Views of the World

Study Unit 1A - Multiple Choice and Essay Questions

* 2. Marco Polo

Study Unit 2A - True-False and Short Essay

* 3. The Portuguese Explorers

Study Unit 3A Map Identification, Short Essay, and Research Topics

* 4. Christopher Columbus - "Indies Enterprise"

Study Unit 4A Matching and Short Answer

* 5. The Cabots and Verrazano

Study Unit 5A - Completion

* 6. Magellan

Study Unit 6A - True-False and Matching

* 7. Spanish Explorers -I

Study Unit 7A - Map Identification

* 8. Spanish Explorers - II

Study Unit 8A - Matching and Completion

* 9. Sir Francis Drake

Study Unit 9A Multiple Choice and Short Answer

*10. Explorers of the North

Study Unit 10A Completion Map Identification and

*11. French Exploration

Study Unit 11A Map Identification and Matching

*12. Captain Cook

Study Unit 12A Questions Completion and Discussion

* Indicates full-color transparencies

Note: The answers to all study units will be found at the end of this teacher's guide.


This book represents an exciting new development in the world of education. The book contains 12 prepared full color transparencies which are perforated for easy removal. Four spirit duplicating masters are included for either testing or additional student exercises. To use the duplicating material, you merely remove the perforated duplicating master from the book, attach it to any liquid duplicator, and run the desired quantity.

The proper name spellings in this book are those which coincide with the majority of secondary textbooks extant at this time. It is recommended that the names of persons and places be written on the blackboard as they are discussed.

By way of stimulating more student interest and increasing opportunities for advanced study, these transparencies can be hung, after viewing, against a white background on a classroom bulletin board.

The illustrations in these transparencies are not drawn to scale or for special accuracy.

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