Michael P. Farris

Michael P. Farris

Michael Farris is a man of multiple talents and achievements who has been influential in the homeschool movement. A constitutional lawyer, leading pro-family activist on Capitol Hill, the author of thirteen books to date, and an ordained pastor, he is the founder and chancellor of Patrick Henry College, a school designed to equip Christians to defend their faith in the public square. He also currently serves as board chairman and general counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association, "a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms", which he co-founded. Education Week named Mike one of the 100 must significant "Faces of the Century" in education, and he is listed in Praying for the World's "365 Most Influential People".

Michael and his wife Vickie have been married since 1971; they have ten children and seven grandchildren. They have been homeschooling since 1982.

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