Ancient History and Literature is a one-year curriculum that integrates history, English, and Bible (3 full-year credits). Ancient History and Literature lesson plans are written to the student for parent-guided independent work. On Fridays, the student and parent have a conference to discuss the week's topics and review completed work. There are 36 weeks of lessons, five days a week, with a somewhat lighter schedule on most Fridays. Parents assign grades based on informal discussions and daily written questions, vocabulary quizzes in the literature program, and essays for English and history. There are no formal tests for history, Bible, or literature. You will need to add science, math, and electives such as foreign language.
Bible and History
Read through the entire Old Testament, applying its truths to your life with insightful questions from Taking the Old Testament Challenge. Parents, especially fathers, are encouraged to purchase their own copy of this book and complete the study to help in guiding a weekly discussion with their child, as well as for developing personal spiritual growth. Journey through the Bible adds in-depth information. Unwrapping the Pharaohs and The New Answers Book include archeological discoveries and apologetics related to the Bible and history being studied.
Study history from Creation through the time of the Greeks. Assignments includes reading with comprehension questions, map work, and in-depth information about Creation and early man. Students also create a detailed timeline book. The Old Testament readings are a central focus of the history lessons and are integrated chronologically with the other history studies. Participate in service projects chosen and/or developed by the student and the parent-teacher.
Develop composition skills with comprehensive lessons for writing essays.
Enjoy and analyze (from a Christian perspective) literature written during or about the ancient period: the Bible, The Epic of Gilgamesh(condensed version), The Cat of Bubastes, Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology, The Iliad, and The Odyssey. Vocabulary, grammar and comprehension and critical thinking questions included.
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