MFW Ancient History and Literature

Ancient History and Literature is designed for 9th through 12th graders as a four year history/literature/bible program. Now that your children are older, they are ready for more intense materials and a deeper understanding of ancient history. As your child enters high school, My Father’s World is now oriented toward independent study. The students go over study questions and answers on their own, and the parents and students have a meeting at the end of the week to discuss the materials and evaluate progress. The events and thoughts of the ancient history are thoroughly discussed in books like Ancient World, Exploring World History, and Ancient History Timeline Book. The literature program is incorporated into history as your students read classics like Homer’s Iliad, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and The Cat of the Bubastes. Your student will also read through the Old Testament and learn to apply it to their lives with Taking the Old Testament Challenge. Also included is a complete program for enhancing writing skills. With this program, your child’s first year of high school history will be one of tremendous growth and learning.

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