Meredith Hamilton is an artist whose experience stems from her childhood interest in the arts. Coming from a range of practice that includes the media of painting as well as building and needlework, Hamilton now works at simpler (though delightfully quirky) illustrations, such as those used for children's books. She draws her inspiration from her love of children, and she attempts to communicate larger concepts with children through simplistic artwork that is easily comprehended. In fact, Hamilton models her work largely off of childlike drawings, thus creating appeal as well as effective communication. Hamilton enjoys challenging media like encaustic, a beeswax and wood method, and many of her items are recycled. While her work stands out in children's literature such as
A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky and
A Child's Introduction to Ballet, she has also lent her talents editorials, stationery, and even a cookbook (
The Green Tea User's Manual by Helen Gustafson).
Hamilton's work can be enjoyed through various different venues.
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