Meagher of the Sword

Meagher of the Sword

by Christian D. Stevens
Publisher: Dodd, Mead & Co.
©1967, Item: 93144
Hardcover, 275 pages
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A dramatized biography of Thomas Francis Meagher, courageous defender of freedom in Ireland and America. It pictures his brush with death as a young Irish rebel, his daring escape from exile in the South Pacific, his dynamic years as an explorer, orator, writer, and Civil War general who led the Union's incomparable Irish Brigade and won the praise of Abraham Lincoln. While serving as the fiery Acting Governor of Montana Territory, the Sioux on the warpath and the men beyond the law felt his wrath. This account of how Meagher of the Sword won his title, always defending the cause of freedom, offers exciting reading and an inspiring example that inevitably earned for it the Edith Busby Award, for which he is eligible as a teacher of English at the College of Great Falls, Montana.

Jacket painting by Russ Hoover

from the dust jacket

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