McCall-Crabbs Book B

McCall-Crabbs Book B

Standard Test Lessons in Reading

by William A. McCall, Lelah Mae Crabbs
Publisher: Riggs Institute
©1961, Item: 13697
Saddle-stitched, 78 pages
Current Retail Price: $9.95
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Each non-consumable book has 78 three-minute reading selections on a variety of interesting topics followed by multiple choice questions to test student comprehension. Each selection is normed for grade level ability. Students can chart their personal progress. Every lesson has test items easy enough for the poorest readers as well as ones difficult enough to challenge the best of readers. This allows the teacher to use the book with a range of ability levels from beginners to post-college.

General reading ability is developed because the selections vary in content, style, and vocabulary. Questions for each lesson evaluate ability to find the main idea, gather facts, make inferences, and other kinds of meaning such as being able to determine sequence.

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