Crisis has hit the MathTacular gang: Amber Waves's precious prize pig has been porknapped!
The dreaded Word Puzzler has captured the poor pet and left a string of word problems behind as clues. Fortunately, Detective Justin Time has experience with this sort of thing.
With logical, simple steps, he and Amber Waves tackle one math puzzle after another. As they progress, the word problems get trickier. But our heroes gain the skills to press on. Will they ever find the pork-napped pig?
This hilarious adventure gives your children the tools to face pesky word problems with confidence.
Unique among the popular MathTacular series, MathTacular4 covers a very wide scope of mathematical skills. Even if your kids aren't ready for the more advanced skills (like fractions and algebra) at the end of the video, they'll love watching Amber Waves and Justin Time chase the case to the end.
If you also pick up the MathTacular4 Student Workbook and Answer Key, your kids can solve each problem along with the video. Extra practice problems solidify each concept they learn.
Finally, with MathTacular4, word problems are fun, practical ... and unbelievably understandable!
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