Math Word Problems Level C

Math Word Problems Level C

Whole Numbers to Percents

by Anita Harnadek
Consumable Workbook, 90 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.99
Used Price: $6.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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Math Word Problems helps students conquer the "dreaded" math word problem by teaching them when and how to apply the math operations they already know to real-life situations.

The developmentally sequenced problems in each book are arranged so they cannot be solved by rote processes. Each problem requires its own thinking/problem-solving approach rather than applying the same solution process to entire groups of problems.

Each book includes answers, instructions at the beginning of each concept, and examples provided as models to reassure students about what is expected of them.

Product Sample:

Table of Contents:

Click to enlarge sample image
About This Book
About Introductory Word Problems
About Mixed Concepts
Mixed Concepts 1
Mixed Concepts 2
Mixed Concepts 3

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