Math Mammoth 4B - Student Worktext (color)

Math Mammoth 4B - Student Worktext (color)

by Maria Miller
Publisher: Math Mammoth
Trade Paperback, 192 pages
Current Retail Price: $18.95
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  Review By A Math Teacher
Leslie of California, 6/7/2016
We began using Math Mammoth's Light Blue Series downloadable worktexts in the 2nd grade, incorporating the review and tests provided. This fall, we will be using the 6th grade texts. We had previously used Saxon due to its high ratings. While a mastery program, MM is not a tight spiral and repetitive like Saxon. Instead, they regularly incorporate previously-learned material within new material, so review/mastery is seamless. Each chapter has a one to two page introduction to the parent/teacher which gives an overview of the goals, role, and importance for its topic(s). Within each chapter, worksheets have built-in teaching prompts (in boxes) with small chunks of new material introduced, a good amount of problems for practice, then word problems for a real-world touch before moving on to the next area. Usually 2-4 pages per day. Apart from the chapter introduction, there isn't any teacher prep unless you want to preview each lesson's teaching box before presenting. Visual manipulatives are used, especially in primary, and 3-D shape models can be cut from cardstock and used, but other than that it is a sparsely colored, text-based curriculum. For those who just want to get in and get math done, this is the program for you. For those who want more, especially online games and helps for more practice or just because your child is wired that way, Maria includes a list of free and low- cost sources by chapter. If you are ever stuck or just need a helping hand, you can easily consult with the author. She will bend over backward for you. She has free placement tests on her website. Highly recommend.