Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters

Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments

by Winston T. Smith
Publisher: New Growth Press
List Price: $21.00 Sale Price: $16.80
Used Price: $7.70 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

In an era when more and more marriages are dissolving, a commonly cited "problem" is that the spark was extinguished, that the so-called "pizazz"went out of the relationship. The real problem with such statements is that good marriages are founded and built on the mundane elements of life, not some ethereal excitement constantly in danger of diminishing. Winston Smith believes this, and demonstrates its truth through real-life examples (many drawn from his experiences as a counselor), common sense, and biblical truth.

Alot of Marriage Matters is devoted to communication, both how it should be and the problems that often beset it. But this isn't his starting point: he begins where everything should begin for Christians, with Christ and His expectations for His children. One of the most common themes of the book is the importance of selflessness in marriage, that it is when we think more about ourselves than our spouses that genuine problems are most likely to overtake us. He emphasizes forgiveness, honesty and the importance of truth—elements we've always heard are essential to a successful and godly marriage, and will because of our fallible natures need to keep hearing till we die.

This is an eminently practical book. Intimacy, Smith avers, arises primarily from awareness of life's most ordinary moments. With constant reference to Scripture and biblical thinking, he guides couples toward such awareness, and toward a model of communication through which couples seek understanding and openness through honesty and forgiveness. With discussions ranging from the nature of conflict to overcoming problems of sexual intimacy, Marriage Matters is an excellent guide to forging an extraordinary marriage from the ordinary elements of which it is composed.

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