Makers of History Series

"I want to thank you and your brother for Abbott’s series of Histories. I have not education enough to appreciate the profound works of voluminous historians, and if I had, I have no time to read them. But your series of Histories gives me, in brief compass, just that knowledge of past men and events which I need. I have read them with the greatest interest. To them I am indebted for about all the historical knowledge I have."
Abraham Lincoln

Makers of History is a 19th century biography series by two brothers—Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Some of these books have been reprinted by Canon Press, A Beka, and Yesterday's Classics. The full series is more than 30 books in length.

This famous series was so well known and widely read that they were staples of virtually every American library from the time they were published, in the mid-nineteenth century, until after the first world war. Both informative and terrifically entertaining, the Abbott brothers had an enormous talent for writing biographies, and selecting those stories and anecdotal episodes from histories that are of most interest to the general reader.

It was not until about 1848 that the brothers embarked on the idea of doing a series of biography aimed at young people. The target audience was age "15 to 25", and the Abbott brothers eventually produced a set of biographies that were critically acclaimed, and widely read. They were originally published as the 'Illustrated History' series, but were republished many times during the next sixty years in various collections, entitled 'Famous Characters of History', 'Famous Queens of History', and others. They were most recently republished in the early 1900’s as the 'Makers of History' series.

The Abbotts had a terrific gift for narrative, and their books all read as if they were high suspense novels. Although the vocabulary level is relatively high, more appropriate for high school or college than elementary schools, the writing style is not difficult, and the stories move along at a fast pace. The Abbott biographies have a delightful combination of action and adventure, along with truly interesting personality portraits, intriguing subplots, and fascinating secondary characters which should be appealing to both young men and young women. The Canon Press reprints have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history.

—Our thanks to Heritage History for much of this description.

An Incomplete List....

  1. Cyrus the Great (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  2. Darius the Great (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  3. Xerxes (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  4. Alexander the Great - King of Macedon (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  5. Pyrrhus, King of Epirus (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  6. Romulus, the Founder of Rome (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  7. Hannibal (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  8. Julius Caesar (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  9. Cleopatra (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  10. Nero (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  11. King Alfred of England (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  12. William the Conqueror (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  13. Richard I (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  14. Richard II (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  15. Richard III (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  16. Margaret of Anjou - Makers of History (IA | LBRVX)
  17. Christopher Columbus (IA | LBRVX)
  18. Queen Elizabeth I (IA | LBRVX)
  19. Mary Queen of Scots (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  20. Charles I - (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  21. History of King Charles II of England (IA | LBRVX)
  22. Peter the Great (Jacob Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  23. Genghis Khan - Makers of History Series (IA | LBRVX)
  24. Hernando Cortez - Makers of History (IA | LBRVX)
  25. King Philip (IA | LBRVX)
  26. Henry the Fourth of France (IA | LBRVX)
  27. Louis XIV - Makers of History Series (IA | LBRVX)
  28. Hortense - Makers of History Series (IA | LBRVX)
  29. Madame Roland (IA | LBRVX)
  30. Joseph Bonaparte (John S. C. Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  31. Josephine Empress of the French (John S. C. Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  32. Marie Antoinette (John S. C. Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  33. Louis Philippe (John S. C. Abbott) (IA | LBRVX)
  34. Peter the Great of Russia (Jacob Abbott) (IALBRVX)


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