Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip

Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip

by Joanna Cole
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
Price: $8.99

Small enough to squeeze through power lines, Ms. Frizzle's class learns how electric current travels through the town, lights up a light bulb, heats up a toaster, and runs an electric motor. Fans of the Magic School Bus won't be left behind by this simple and informative introduction to the generation and distribution of electricity.

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  The Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip
Ethan of Salem, OR, 8/29/2016
This book is helpful for kids who want to learn about electricity. Ms. Frizzle, the school teacher, takes her class on a trip in a magic bus. There are many books in the Magic School Bus series, and this is one of my favorites. I think everyone should read this amazing book!