Lost Milk Jar

Lost Milk Jar

Little Jewel Books
by Lucy Ann Conley, Edith Burkholder (Illustrator)
©1986, Item: 31601
Trade Paperback, 24 pages
Current Retail Price: $3.90
Used Price: $2.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The problem and solution on an errand of bringing home a jar of milk.

"Time to go for milk," called John. He sat on the floor to pull on his boots. "Come, David. Let's be the horses. Mother says it's time to go for milk."

"We want to go along," cried Beth, running for her coat. "Don't we, Sara?"

"Are we going to sled?" Sara asked eagerly.

"Yes, you may take the sled." Mother stooped to help Sara with her boots.

– From the Publisher

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