Lost King

Lost King

by Rafael Sabatini
©1937, Item: 92996
Hardcover, 379 pages
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Louis XVII, the Lost Dauphin of France, his tragic youth, his mysterious disappearance, and the bold attempts, after his supposed death, to place an impostor on the French throne, forms the subject of this new and vivid Sabatini tale—one that carries on the romantic story of French Revolutionary history begun with Scaramouche, and pursued through Scaramouche, the King Maker and Venetian Masque.

To make of history a living thing, to recreate in flesh and blood the daring of the past—these are Sabatini's distinctive powers, used in this new tale with conspicuous success. The imprisonment of the Boy King in the Temple, his kidnapping and flight into Germany, the night of confusion when a sudden storm on Lake Léman swallows his identity, and later the plots and counterplots woven about him—this is perfect material for one of Sabatini's most absorbing tales of adventure.

from the dust jacket

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