Long Way to a New Land

Long Way to a New Land

An I Can Read Book Level 3
by Joan Sandin
Publisher: HarperCollins
Mass market paperback, 64 pages
List Price: $4.99 Sale Price: $4.24
Used Price: $2.00 (5 in stock) Condition Policy

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It is 1868, and Carl Erik's family faces starvation in Sweden. As their hopes fade, they must endure a journey over land and sea to reach a better life in a new country thousands of miles away.

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  An Entertaining Way to Travel Back in Time!
Noah (age 8) of Oregon, 6/29/2016
This book is good because I like learning about immigrants. It is about a family from Sweden. It didn't rain for years and they got a letter from America inviting them to come to America. They boarded a steam ship and went a long way. They traveled many different ways for days and days until they got to their Aunt and Uncle's house. They were very excited for bread and butter because they only had (since there was no water) bitter bread in Sweden. To learn more about the long way to a new land, you should read this book. It will help you understand the old times! You feel like you are there when you read it, like you traveled back in time!