Little Jeanne of France

Little Jeanne of France

Children of All Lands Stories
by Madeline Brandeis
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1929, Item: 82757
Hardcover, 173 pages
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Little Margot, and Little Jeanne were born on the same day and in the same country, France. Yet how different was the world of one from the other. Little Margot was born in a beautiful Paris apartment on the Avenue Champs Elysées while Little Jeanne first looked upon a sad, war-stricken, bleak little village far from Paris.

This is the story of how Margot and Jeanne grew up, how they met and how the secret of little Jeanne's birth was revealed. For only on person knew who little Jeanne's parents were and this person was Aunty Sue; for whom Jeanne scarcely had a minute to even watch the Guignol, the Punch and Judy show, which the children loved.

How little Margot and Jeanne came to know each other and what happened to change both of their lives makes a beautiful and thrilling tale. Every child will love this story laid in the most marvelous city in the world, Paris.

—from the dust jacket 

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