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It's an established fact of human nature that the further an idea moves from its origins, the less closely it resembles itself. Homeschooling isn't that old as a contemporary movement, but in many ways it's not the same movement it was twenty or thirty years ago. Let My Children Go is a reminder of the movement's origins by one of the first pioneers—E. Ray Moore, Jr., founder of the Exodus Mandate which calls for the abandonment by Christian parents and their children of the public school system.
The Moores began homeschooling in 1977, before most people knew it was even an option. Moore's continued fight against government-sponsored education (or indoctrination) is predicated on the physical, moral and spiritual danger faced by Christian students in the schools, and his desire that parents take back the responsibility for educating their own children that is rightfully theirs. In this compelling book, he shows the history of public schooling, constructs a theology of home education, and argues that reform is impossible and only abandonment will suffice.
He also tells the story of his own family's move away from government education, their early struggles as lonely homeschoolers, their eventual successes, and the continuing success of the movement both to attract supporters and for those involved to flourish. While he doesn't argue for revolution in any sense, he does suggest that a measure of civil disobedience is necessary at times, a view which explains his desire for radical abandonment of government schools in favor of home schools to result in a nationwide Christian revival.
While Moore's own story may not be entirely relevant anymore (a lot has changed in the last 34 years), the principles which lead him to fight against the government school system are just as relevant, if not more so. Public schools areindoctrination engines replacing all ideologies with their own lawlessness and turning children away from their parents and their parents' faith. The call of the Exodus Mandate is clear—our children's captivity in the godless Egypt must cease—and Moore's conviction and honesty remain great guides for those willing to follow.
Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews
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