Leif the Lucky

Leif the Lucky

by Edgar Parin D'Aulaire, Ingri D'Aulaire
Trade Paperback, 54 pages
List Price: $17.95 Sale Price: $15.26

Historical Setting: Iceland, North America, 970-1020 A.D.

This biography covers the story of the Viking discovery of America around the year 1000. The award-winning authors pen a refreshingly true text about Leif Erickson's childhood, immigration to Greenland, conversion to Christianity, evangelization of Greenland and subsequent discovery and colonization of the North American continent. This lively text is complemented with full color illustrations in the D'Aulaire inimitable style.

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Summary: The story of the mighty Viking who was not only a great explorer, but also a great Christian.

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  Leif the Lucky
Ruthi of Oregon, 8/31/2016
Leif Erickson was a Viking explorer. He came to Greenland close to one thousand years ago. When he grew up, he went to visit king Olav Trygvason of Norway. He stayed in the king's court for a long time where he was christened. One day, the King told Leif to go back to Greenland to tell his parents and his people about Jesus. But a storm blew them off course to Vinland. All through the summer they lived in Vinland. In fall, when they were going to Greenland, Leif saw a ship in trouble and rescued it. This made Leif the first european to discover Vinland (America).