Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Legend of Sleepy Hollow

by Washington Irving (Author), Jack Tinker (Illustrator)
©1946, Item: 86655
Hardcover, 103 pages
Used Price: $14.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:


Sleepy Hollow Land, the locale of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, is also Jack Tinker's home. Mr. Tinker can reach Philipse Castle Restoration in a five-minute walk and the scene of the legend, including the Old Dutch Church and the site of the Headless Horseman Bridge in about the same time. He has ridden over the neighboring countryside on horseback and sailed on the Tappan Zee.

Mr. Tinker, who is one of the country's foremost artists, is art director of a leading advertising agency. Born in Pittsburgh, he studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. He has written and illustrated several books. The Barefoot and Lonely Road, published in 1938, was chosen by the American Institute of Graphic Arts as one of the fifty best-designed books of the year. Among his other books are The Small and Tall Man, John Pete, and an illustrated edition of Pinocchio.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is illustrated with charcoal drawings on every page. The artist has joined pictures and text to make this edition one of the most beautiful ever published. The illustrations for this book are unusually authentic, both because of Mr. Tinker's careful study of the locale and because he has been able to draw upon the rich collections and officers of Philipse Castle Restoration and Sunnyside Restoration for material.

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