Legend of Luke

Legend of Luke

Redwall #12
by Brian Jacques
Publisher: Philomel Books
1st Us Edition, ©2000, ISBN: 9780399234903
Hardcover, 384 pages
Current Retail Price: $23.99
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In this twelfth book of the bestselling series, Brian Jacques goes back in time to reveal the legend of the first of the magnificent Redwall warriors—Luke, father of Martin.

Joined by Trimp the hedgehog, Dinny Foremole, and Gonff—the ever-mischievous Prince of Mousethieves—it is that legend Martin hopes to discover when he embarks on a perilous journey to the northland shore, where his father abandoned him as a child. There, within the carcass of a great red ship—broken in half and wedged high up between pillars of stone—he finally uncovers what he has been searching for: the true story of the evil pirate stoat, Vilu Daskar, and the valiant warrior who pursued him relentlessly over the high seas, seeking to destroy Vilu at all costs, even if it meant deserting his own son.

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