Learn Math Fast System Volume I

Learn Math Fast System Volume I

by J. K. Mergens
2nd Edition, ©2011, ISBN: 9780984381432
Consumable Workbook, 260 pages
List Price: $38.00 Sale Price: $32.30
Volume 1 of the Learn Math Fast System teaches how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with a unique approach. The methods used make it possible for students to advance several grade levels in just one year. Younger students can get up to third grade level in just one school year, older kids can relearn 1st to 3rd grade math in a month or two and adults can read the whole book in just a day or two. The older you are, the faster you'll learn. Other topics taught are: rounding, place value, the decimal point, US Measurement and working with decimal numbers. This is the first of seven books that teach 1st to 12th grade math with the same ease and speed as this book.
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