Laura Numeroff

Laura Numeroff

Numeroff was born on July 14, 1953, and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. At an early age, she showed her love for writing and artistic talent by creating her own books from front cover to back cover. Later, though, she decided to work as a fashion designer like one of her sisters. It wasn't until her last college semester when she enrolled in a class teaching writing and illustrating children's books that Numeroff discovered her abilities. Before graduation she had a contract for her first of 16 books. An author for over twenty-five years, Numeroff is most famous for the If You Give a...series, such as If You Give a Moose a Muffin. Her most recent books include: If You Take a Mouse to School, 10-Step Guide to Living with Your Monster, and her autobiography called If You Give an Author a Pencil. Numeroff is also working to get her older, out-of-print books made available.

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