Latin for Children Primer B

Latin for Children Primer B

Classical Latin, Creatively Taught

by Aaron Larsen, Dr. Christopher A. Perrin
3.2rd Edition, ©2018, ISBN: 9781600510069
Consumable Workbook, 286 pages
Price: $31.95
Used Price: $17.50 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

The Latin for Children Primer series is an engaging, incremental, & creative line of textbooks filled with clear grammatical explanations, illustrations, exercises, tests, and a sizable and useful reference section. Each text comes with a plethora of mnemonic aids (songs, chants) that enable students to learn vocabulary (over 240 of the most frequently occurring words) and grammar with ease and delight. The texts are graphically engaging, featuring a crisp, classical look professionally designed.

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