Knowing God

Knowing God

Fiftieth Anniversary Edition

by J. I. Packer
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Trade Paperback, 295 pages
List Price: $22.00 Sale Price: $18.70

What were we made for? What should our aim in life be? What is the best thing in life? What is the eternal life Christ gives? What in us gives God the most pleasure? The answers for all these are "knowing God." This Christian classic tells about God with clarity and grace, and aids in building a personal relationship with Him.

"If any work of Christian literature of Christian literature deserves the titles of 'contemporary classic,' I believe that J. I. Packer's Knowing God qualifies for that distinction. It is my hope that this edition will introduce many new readers to the spiritual depth, the wisdom, and the abiding faith of this great scholar. He has discovered and shares with the reader the secret that knowing God's Word is the most direct route to knowing God."
D. James Kennedy
"'Those who know God have great contentment in God.' It is no wonder so many are so discontented! They don't know God. Oh if only they would use Knowing God as a devotional study. It would create such a thirst for more of God that they would keep on coming to Him in His Word and drinking of Him. This book is the classic God used to launch me into a study of the sovereignty of God. I'll never be the same!"
Kay Arthur
"...must reading for any Christian who is serious about their faith. While it is theology, it is practical, and while it is profound, it is easy reading. I highly recommend it."
John Perkins

Old Cover (same edition):

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