Kite Fighters

Kite Fighters

by Linda Sue Park
Reprint, ©2010, ISBN: 9780547328638
Trade Paperback, 144 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Seoul, Korea, 1473 A. D.

In Seoul, Korea, in 1473, Young-sup and his older brother Kee-sup are excited about the New Year kite competition. Young-sup is an expert at kite flying. He knows just what his kite wants him to do. Kee-sup has trouble handling his kite, but can build and design a kite fit for a king.

Each brother knows his own talents as they practice together for the New Year kite-fighting competition. But according to tradition, Kee-sup, the first-born son, must represent the family. Young-sup knows he must help his older brother and stay in second place. But that doesn't stop him from hoping for the chance to show his great skill as a kite fighter.

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