Killing Mister Watson

Killing Mister Watson

by Peter Matthiessen
Publisher: Vintage Classics
Trade Paperback, 384 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.00
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Drawn from fragments of historical fact, Matthiessen's masterpiece brilliantly depicts the fortunes and misfortunes of Edgar J. Watson, a real-life entrepreneur and outlaw who appeared in the lawless Florida Everglades around the turn of the century.

The arrival of Edgar J. Watson, a complex man with a troubling and violent reputation, spells trouble for the inhabitants of the nineteenth-century Everglades, in a fictional recreation of the life and death of a real life character.

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Violence, language, sexual content
Summary: A hard-working outlaw makes his way in rural 19th-century Florida, and serves to expose the roots of American wealth and prosperity.

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