Kenneth Gentry

Kenneth Gentry

Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., is an ordained minister in the Orthodox Church, and pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church near Placentia, CA. Dr. Gentry received a B.A. (cum laude) from Tennessee Temple University, an M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary (where he studied under Dr. Greg Bahnsen), a Th.M. and Th.D. (summa cum laude) from Whitefield Theological Seminary. Dr. Gentry has served on numerous boards and advisory committees and has been an instructor for presbyteries, Christian high schools, Whitefield Theological Seminary and Christ College in Lynchburg, VA. He has authored many articles and pamphlets along with more than ten books on a wide range of topics including abortion, prophecy, eschatology, theology, and law. Dr. Gentry teaches Biblical Studies and Theology for Bahnsen Theological Seminary.

Source: A Covenant Media Foundation "featured speakers" page


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9 Items found
Beast of Revelation
by Kenneth Gentry
from American Vision Press
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Before Jerusalem Fell
by Kenneth Gentry
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Four Views on the Book of Revelation
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from Zondervan
for Adult
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in Drinking With Discernment (Location: XCU-WIN)
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Great Tribulation: Past or Future?
by Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., Thomas Ice
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in Eschatology & Prophecy (Location: XTH-ESCH)
Greatness of the Great Commission
by Kenneth Gentry
for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
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He Shall Have Dominion
by Kenneth Gentry
from Institute for Christian Economics
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in Eschatology & Prophecy (Location: XTH-ESCH)
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House Divided
by Greg L. Bahnsen and Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.
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When Shall These Things Be?
by Keith Mathison, editor
from P&R Publishing
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in Eschatology & Prophecy (Location: XTH-ESCH)