Jonathan Park Audio Adventures

Jonathan Park is currently in the process of reworking cover art and tweaking how they sell episodes on CD. Their normal 12-episode albums are being phased out in favor of new 3-episode albums. Instead of 10 multi-disc albums, there will be 40 smaller ones, with new episodes slated to release later in the year. Stay tuned for updates!

Hold onto your hats! Jonathan Park’s fast-paced action stories, complete with radio theatre sound effects, will take you on a journey all across the globe on numerous adventures—all to the glory of God. Along the way, you will learn how to defend your faith and develop a deeper love for the wonder of God’s creation. Broadcast around the world and on hundreds of radio stations in the U.S., each adventure is based on real places and scientific discoveries.

The Jonathan Park series has for years been equipping parents and children to defend creation truths against evolution’s lies, following young Jonathan Park and his paleontologist family on their exciting creation adventures around the globe. Each Jonathan Park episode is based upon real places and facts, featuring action-packed storylines that reveal specific evidences for Scripture’s creation account. Join Jonathan’s family and the Creation Response Team as they recover amazing treasures from Earth’s past, discover biblical answers to scientific issues of the day, and debate evolutionists about the true history of our world!

Geared for the entire family to enjoy, Jonathan Park is the perfect companion on car trips and around the house, great for chore-time and rainy days. Additionally, a downloadable study guide is available for each 12-episode Jonathan Park album, making Jonathan Park a great supplemental resource for a home school science class, or for personal or family studies. The study guides feature expanded insights into each episode’s core lesson, offering charts, Bible verses, suggested activities, quizzes, pertinent zoological and geological facts, and more! For more information, visit the official Jonathan Park website.

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Jonathan Park Audio Adventures
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Active Filters: 6th grade (Ages 11-12), In-Stock Books & Materials
Jonathan Park Series 3 - 4 CD set
from Wise King Media
for Kindergarten-6th grade
in Jonathan Park Audio Adventures (Location: CD-JONPARK)
$15.00 (1 in stock)