1,000 Vegan Recipes
by Robin Robertson
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for Adult
$3.60 (1 in stock)
Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for Dummies
by Mark Zegarelli
2nd edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
$9.00 (2 in stock)
Ben Franklin Book of Easy Incredible Experiments
by Lisa Jo Rudy (editor), illustrated by Cheryl Kirk Noll
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-6th grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Civil War Days
American Kids in History
by David C. King
1st edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th Grade
$8.50 (1 in stock)
Congress For Dummies
by David Silverberg
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 9th-Adult
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Delightful Decimals
by Lynette Long
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Decimals
(Location: MATR-DEC)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
Earth Science Book
by Dinah Zike, illustrated byJessie L. Flores
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Earth Science
(Location: SCI-EARTH)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Economics for Dummies
by Sean Masaki Flynn
3rd edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 10th-Adult
in Economics Resources
(Location: ECON-REF)
$12.50 (1 in stock)
Fabulous Fractions
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Fractions
(Location: MATR-FRA)
Good Stuff Cookbook
by Spike Mendelsohn with Micheline Mendelsohn
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for Adult
in American Cooking
(Location: COOK-US)
$3.60 (1 in stock)
Great Battles of the Civil War
by John Macdonald
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 7th-Adult
in Oversized History Books
(Location: HISW-OVER)
$15.00 (1 in stock)
Great Graphs and Sensational Statistics
by Lynette Long
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
in Math Games & Activities
(Location: MATR-GAM)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Groovy Geometry
by Lynette Long
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Geometry & Shapes
(Location: MATR-GEO)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
How to Cook Everything
by Mark Bittman
10th Anniversary Edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for Adult
in Miscellaneous Cookbooks
(Location: COOK-MIS)
$3.60 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's 200 Gooey, Slippery, Slimy, Weird and Fun Experiments
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
$7.50 (3 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's 201 Awesome, Magical, Bizarre & Incredible Experiments
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
$10.00 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's 202 Oozing, Bubbling, Dripping & Bouncing Experiments
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
$7.50 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's 203 Icy, Freezing, Frosty, Cool & Wild Experiments
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
$7.50 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's 204 Sticky, Gloppy, Wacky & Wonderful Experiments
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3d-7th grade
$6.50 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Astronomy for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Astronomy (Space)
(Location: SCI-AST)
$8.00 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Biology for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Biology
(Location: SCI-BIO)
$9.00 (4 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Chemistry for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Chemistry
(Location: SCI-CHEM)
$8.00 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Earth Science for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Earth Science
(Location: SCI-EARTH)
Janice VanCleave's Earth Science for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
1st edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Earth Science
(Location: SCI-EARTH)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Electricity
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Energy for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Energy, Forces & Motion
(Location: SCI-PHY)
Janice VanCleave's Food and Nutrition for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Health Resources
(Location: HEAL-REF)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Guide to More of the Best Science Fair Projects
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Guide to the Best Science Fair Projects
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-7th grade
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Human Body for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
$9.00 (3 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Machines
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Math For Every Kid
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
$8.00 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Microscopes & Magnifying Lenses
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Oceans for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
Janice VanCleave's Physics for Every Kid
Janice VanCleave's Science for Every Kid Series
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-8th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Physics
(Location: SCI-PHY)
Janice VanCleave's Science Around the World
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-7th grade
$10.00 (2 in stock)
Janice VanCleave's Volcanoes
Janice VanCleave's Science
by Janice VanCleave
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
$6.50 (2 in stock)
Marvelous Multiplication
by Lynette Long
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Multiplication
(Location: MATR-AR3MU)
Mathematics for Electrical Students
by Harry M. Keal and Clarence J. Leonard
2nd edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 10th-Adult
in Vintage Science & Math
(Location: VIN-SCI)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Measurement Mania
by Lynette Long
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
Nature for the Very Young
by Marcia Bowden, Illustrated by Marilyn Rishel
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for Adult
$12.00 (1 in stock)
Pioneer Days
American Kids in History
by David C. King
1st edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th Grade
in Pioneer & Frontier Life
(Location: HISA-19PIO)
$7.50 (1 in stock)
Politically Correct Holiday Stories
by James Finn Garner
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 10th-Adult
in Christmas & Advent
(Location: HOLIDAY)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
Pre-Calculus for Dummies Text and Workbook
by Mary Jane Sterling
3rd edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 11th-Adult
in Calculus
(Location: MATR-CAL)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Spend the Day in Ancient Greece
by Linda Honan
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in Ancient Greece
(Location: HISW-ANGR)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments
by James G. Cook
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 4th-6th grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
U. S. History Cookbook
by Joan D'Amico and Karen Eich Drummond
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 1st-5th grade
in Cooking for Kids
(Location: COOK-KID)
Weigh Less, Live Longer
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for Adult
in Healthy Cooking and Diet
(Location: COOK-HEA)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
World War II Days
by David C. King
1st edition
from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
for 3rd-6th grade
in World War II (1939-1945)
(Location: HISA-20WW2)