John M. Gregory

Born in Sand Lake, New York, Gregory grew up to be an incredible force in the field of education. He gained experience as a teacher at age seventeen before heading to law school and graduating. Law didn't agree with Gregory, so he became a Baptist minister. Yet, teaching compelled him to move to Michigan where he worked as the head of a classical school. He involved himself in the State Teachers' Association and edited the "Michigan Journal of Education." His understanding of education and his respect for teachers enabled him to be elected and twice reelected to the State Superintendency of Public Instruction.

With his inaugural address "The Right and Duty of Christianity to Educate" to Kalamazoo College, Gregory became the college president. His organization of this institution led the newly established Illinois State Industrial University (now the University of Illinois) to hire him. Under Gregory's guidance, the University thrived and grew into a large and strong state school. Gregory holds an honored place in the history of American education for the foundation he laid at the University of Illinois. In fact, Gregory asked to be buried on the campus grounds after his death in 1898 and the University reverently complied.

In his later years, Gregory wrote The Seven Laws of Teaching which has been reprinted several times and is available today. Logos schools use this handbook with its clear and simple message for their staff's orientation.

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1 Item found
Seven Laws of Teaching
by John M. Gregory
from Canon Press
for Adult
in Classical Education (Location: HSR-METCE)