Jane Porter

Jane Porter

Born in 1776 in Durham, England, Porter was the third of five children. Her father passed away when she was three years old, leaving the family with little money. They moved to Edinburgh where Porter attended school. She loved to hear legends and read literature. With the collaboration of several authors, Porter contributed to the magazine The Quiz, but they attained little success. After moving to London, Porter met a variety of authors, playwrights, and artists. A writer herself, Porter penned the historical novel Thaddeus of Warsaw, and it saw publication in 1803. By 1810, the book began the printing of its ninth edition, and that same year her next novel, The Scottish Chiefs saw international success. Porter's later works and the plays she penned weren't well-received. However, she also contributed to magazines, collaborated on works with her sister, and edited a book later attributed to have been written by her brother. Through her life, Porter's finances always seemed meagre, and as she was known as compassionate to other people, part of her income went to help those in need. Porter never married and she lived with one relative or another over the years. On May 24, 1850, Porter passed away.

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4 Items found
Scottish Chiefs
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Historical Epic for 8th-10th grade
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Scottish Chiefs
by Jane Porter
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Scottish Chiefs
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Historical Epic for 8th-10th grade
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Scottish Chiefs
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$16.00 (1 in stock)