Island Boy

Island Boy

by Barbara Cooney
Publisher: Trumpet Club
Saddle-stitched, 40 pages
Used Price: $2.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Matthias’s family was the first to live on the island. They cleared the trees, built the house, and brought chickens and cows and made a farm. Matthias has many older brothers and sisters who helped work the farm, but they all move away to marry and work in the shipyards. Soon, only Matthias is left with his parents on the island. He loves his island life, both the farm work and the fun adventures, from taming a wild seagull to sailing up the coast. But soon, even Matthias leaves the island to become a sailor. But Matthias knows that the island is his home, and brings his bride back to start his own family on the island. Soon he has children of his own, who grow up and leave the island. Grandchildren soon follow. Over the years, the island changes, sometimes home to many people, and sometimes no one but Matthias lives on it. But through all life’s ups and downs, excitements and calms, the island will always be Matthias’s home.

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