Investigating God's World - Test Book

Investigating God's World - Test Book

Publisher: A Beka Books
4th Edition, ©2008, Publisher Catalog #135186
Consumable Workbook
Current Retail Price: $5.50
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The A Beka test Book contains 9 tests correlated with Investigating God's World. These tests are not the same as the Christian Liberty test book (which include only multiple-choice, true-false, and word/definition matching questions). They are harder, requiring more fill-in-the-blank fact memorization. The answers to these tests & Quizzes may be found in the A Beka Test Key.


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A Beka does not sell their materials to retail bookstores, preferring instead to sell their products through representatives and through their website. As a result, we can offer only used A Beka, and can't guarantee we'll get it. We offer here the current retail price of the book for your information, but if our page does not say "Buy Used," we do not have a copy.

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