Interlinear For the Rest of Us

Interlinear For the Rest of Us

The Reverse Interlinear For New Testament Word Studies

by William D. Mounce
Publisher: Zondervan
Perfectbound, 913 pages
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Most interlinear Bibles are superb resources for Greek students. But what about the rest of us who don't know Greek?

Here is the answer: while other interlinear Bibles assumes that you know Greek, Interlinear for the Rest of Us assumes that you don't, or that you have forgotten much of what you knew. Designed for busy pastors, Sunday school teachers, and anyone who wants a practical tool for studying the Scriptures, this interlinear makes reading easy by flip-flopping the usual order of appearance.

It uses English text as the main text rather than the Greek, so there is absolutely no confusion about the meaning of what you're reading. Discover the Greek words behind the English translation. Conduct your own studies using Greek word-study tools-without knowing Greek!

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