InquisiKids Discover & Do Level 4 - DVD

InquisiKids Discover & Do Level 4 - DVD

(Formerly Volume 5)

©2004, Item: 25545
Current Retail Price: $17.50
Used Price: $7.50 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

In Discover & Do, Level 4, you'll observe science experiments that are part of the Science E curriculum.

Not only that, you'll learn how to do the experiments yourself in the comfort of your own home!

You'll learn why light bulbs light, look at all the colors in a prism, and even make your own electric motor. You'll build a fuse, make your own helicopter, and use a microscope to look at bugs, plants, rocks, and even human body cells. You'll do all these things and much more.

Filled with fascinating science experiments and peppered with humor, this video is an ideal supplement to your children's science education.

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