Indigo Magic

Indigo Magic

by Mildred Lawrence, Oscar Liebman (Illustrator)
Publisher: Hale-Cadmus
©1961, Item: 89371
Library Binding, 184 pages
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Red-headed Susanna Fenton took her sketchbook everywhere to draw flowers, birds, and Indians for her father as they traveled throughout the wilderness of eastern Florida shortly after the Spaniards were expelled. Their close neighbors were an explosive British captain and his unpleasant daughter and family, and a lovely bound girl, Bethany, whom Susanna grew to love and tried to buy her freedom by selling some of her pictures. Susanna visited Indian villages by traveling through alligator-infested waters, learned how to make indigo, and saved the plantation from a raid in an exciting climax.

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