This is the opposite of and necessary balance to the Blessing Chart. It is designed to help you be more consistent in disciplining your children. When they disobey, it will help you know what you need to do, and it will help your children know what to expect. It also helps parents to be more united in their discipline.

The chart is divided into three columns. The left lists common areas of misbehavior, each illustrated with a simple cartoon. The center column gives a Bible verse related to each sin and a Bible verse reminding what Jesus has done to cover that sin. The right is blank, allowing you to record the stated consequences for any sin. The instructions on the back of the chart offer suggestions, but you choose your own disciplinary actions.
We are pleased to announce that the chart is now available in a small, laminated, color version, size 8½" x 11". This allows you to use a dry-erase pen in writing down consequences. It also takes up less room on precious wall space. If you prefer the original, larger, color-it-yourself version, click here.
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