This rollicking story from the beloved Dr. Seuss is a classic tale of a kid with a grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side mentality. When he loses his way and gets attacked by Quilligan Quails and Skrits’s, our hero decides to go to Solla Sollew, where they never have any trouble. However, his journey to that blessed city is fraught with difficulty. From Midwinter Jickers to camel rides that go amiss, the obstacles in our hero’s path make it seem like he’ll never make it to Solla Sollew. And when he does, it turns out the key to the city has been stolen, and the gate keeper is off to another care-free city that never has any troubles. What does out hero make of all this?
"I started back home
To the Valley of Vung
I know I’ll have troubles
I’ll maybe get stung.
But I’ve bought a big bat
I’m all ready, you see
Now my troubles are going
To have troubles with Me!”
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