Huguenot Garden

Huguenot Garden

A Children's Story of Faith

by Douglas Jones
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 123 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.00
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Renaissance & Reformation, 1267-1609 A.D.

This book is a story of the daily and adventurous episodes in the lives of Renée and Albret, young twin sisters in a seventeenth-century French Protestant family. The story follows the twins and rest of the Martineau family as they work, worship, commune, and suffer persecution together. This is an inspiring story you can read to your children, or read on your own.

"Rich with details from the calamitous days of the Reformation in 17th-century France, the story opens our eyes to the personal passions and the human sacrifices that were necessary to enliven the principles of liberty. . . Read this inspiring story aloud to your children. Then, read it again all by yourself."
George Grant, WORLD magazine

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